A tree that will be put in the middle as a resemblance to the last tree that's still living in the world today and will projected an information showing how it 'race' is destroy by human is the first idea of the installation. It is like an exhibition where people gather to see the last tree that's been save and nurtures to give hope to human and show of what they have done to destroy the nature. User will walk through a path that's been created and see the information showed on top of the tree. At the end, i personally thinks that this looks more like a information kiosk rather than an artwork.
The 2nd idea was almost the same as the first one where a tree is being put in the middle but instead of showing information, it will scream whenever it is being touched or axe. This idea will allow user to experience the tree feeling towards human. The installation will give a raw idea on what deforestation do to a tree. It also provides a warm connection between the user and the tree. The purpose is so that whenever a person or a user see or decided to chopped down a tree, they will think twice and remembered the tree scream.
The third idea for my installation is by using sound manipulation. The installation will consist a space that is created to resemble a forest, where the place is divided into certain areas that contains the most number of tree to the most less. A sound will be projected when a person walkthrough this area. The sound that is projected is according to the area the user step in. A nice sound will be projected if the user walk pass the area that contains a lot of tree and an annoying sound when the user walk pass the less tree area. This will give the user to experience on what the world will 'feel' like when the world is lack of tree. A user can interpret and have their own understanding about the nature destroy and can choose what type of world they like to live in .
Final Idea
My final idea is to use a resemblance/metaphor of deforestation. I choose the use of toilet paper and printing paper for the installation as both of this object consume 40% of the the tree destroy. In this project, user will understand and aware of the fact they are destroying the tree, this will allow the user to experience the guilt of killing a tree and thus not using it or use it less. The purpose of this is so that user can switch from what they are used to a recycled product, study shows that 423,900 tree can be saved by changing 500 of the normal toilet paper to 100% recycled ones. I decided to use this installation probably in every part of the exhibition(MMU if i got the resource),i also would like to collaborate with the student so that the installation will be put at their booth so it will give a better effect.
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